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CRM Accreditation of Professional Members

The basis for accreditation in areas of professional archaeological specialisation such as Coastal Shell Midden, Stone Age, Iron Age, Colonial Period, Rock Art, Maritime, Industrial, Grave Relocation and other specified areas is:

Principal Investigator
MA / MSc degree in archaeology and; a) proof of three years full time CRM practice, or b) a portfolio of five Phase II projects at Field Director level; or a clear, detailed motivation and a portfolio of relevant projects of prior learning or relevant experience of equal value to the above submitted with the application.

Field Director
A Masters degree in archaeology or proof of five years of full-time experience as Field Supervisor or a clear, detailed motivation and a portfolio of relevant projects of prior learning or relevant experience of equal value to the above submitted with the application.

Field Supervisor
Honours degree in archaeology.

The basis for accreditation in areas of technical archaeological specialisation, such as archaeobotany, archaeozoology, isotope work, archaeometallurgy, human skeletal analysis and other specified areas is:

Principal Investigator, specialist analysis
MA / MSc degree in archaeology or relevant discipline and; a) proof of three years full time practice in the relevant discipline; or b) at least five applicable projects of the equal value, or a clear, detailed motivation and a portfolio of relevant projects of prior learning or relevant experience of equal value to the above submitted with the application.

Laboratory specialist
Honours degree in archaeology or appropriate discipline offering appropriate training.

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