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Please note that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is 29 February 2023. 


If you would like to chair a session, please send an email to



Oral Presentation Format


Participants are encouraged to prepare their oral presentation in pptx/ppt or pdf format. Data projectors and computers will be made available for all presentations. Participants wishing to use other forms of media presentations must make enquiries with the LOC secretary on availability of appropriate resources at least four weeks before the conference.

For purposes of accommodating all potential presenters we are advising that each oral presenter should limit themselves to one oral presentation that is ten (10) minutes long. There will be a five (5) minutes question and answer session following every presentation.




Posters must be size A0 or larger. Pins will be made available at the venue. (Posters should be printed beforehand)



Please note that there will be no provision for hybrid attendance of oral presentations.
However, the South African Archaeology Student Council (SAASC) will provide a platform for virtual
poster presentations for students who cannot attend the conference.

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